Recent Publications
Frails Family: A Legacy of Learning
AU alumni celebrate 50th wedding anniversary on Summerville quad
Steve Ruby works to share late wife’s passion for literacy education
Physician assistant student strives to be ‘a ripple effect going forward’
MCG ophthalmology, vision research benefit from Knights Templar support
Retired radiologist, MCG alum pays tribute to parents through endowment
‘Spirit of Gratitude’: Retired dental leaders pledge gift to support future students
Mother turns grief into scholarship for Augusta University music students
Longtime faculty create scholarship endowments for Athletics and Department of Art and Design
Nursing alumni celebrate 50-year reunion by creating scholarship
Metro Spirit Features
Case Statements
It’s a Whole New Ball Game: Augusta University Ballpark Complex
3 + MCG = More Doctors in Rural Georgia
Student Educational Enrichment Program
White Papers
Three Reasons Why You Need a Services Partner for IT Transformation